Sunday, January 6, 2013

Legalized Prostitution

As she walks down the street, she sees the dress that she wants through the department store window. She imagined how she would look in it and the attention that she would attract! She checks her wallet, already knowing that there isn't enough in it to cover the cost of the dress. She knows how she can get the money though and probably a bit extra!

She looks through her phone for a moment and then thinks, "Yes, I'll get it from him. He won't put up too much of a fight after tonight and I'll have my dress tomorrow!"

She calls his office to ask if he would be working late. "Dr. Landry's office", the receptionist announces. "Is the doctor in?", she asks and is put through to her intended target. He informs her that he didn't think he'd be working late and asks her what she had in mind. She tells him to meet up with her for a surprise.

He asked what time he should pick her up and she states that she just wants to see him at the house. He agrees and she starts her preparations. She wanted to look perfect tonight because convincing a man to come up off some money was tough enough when it was for a necessity, but the amount she needed for the dress...ridiculous! She had to really be on her game! She was familiar with him, they'd been doing their thing for a long time so she knows what he likes.

He arrives right on time and when she opens the door, the look on his face mirrored his appreciation and his arousal. She decided to get straight to business! She pushes him down onto the couch and begins to undo the zipper on his pants. Once undone she goes to work and soon has him squirming and exploding in her mouth! As he is flying high from his release, she seizes the moment to ask him for the money. He stares at her for a moment, then reaches for his wallet.

As he offers her the money, he says, "Next time, Mrs. Landry, wear the heels you got from the last blow job!"

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Prayer of the Vine Swinger

Sunday "Tree" Logic... Prayer of the Vine Swinger

The vines bring me closer to You
Comfortable knowing You don't judge what I do

With rapists and killers and liars around
No wonder some claim that You can't be found

Shit is hard out here and everyone's in need
But those thoughts of desperation can disappear among the trees

Those liars and killers and rapists and such
Make the innocent pay for the sake of their own crutch

Their crutch is their weakness, their shame and inner defeat
All of which would be resolved if they swung up in the trees

That brings this back to me, the vine swinger, the sinner
The truth is God, from which I sit I still come out the winner

My vice is all natural
Yet it brings me back to you
I still have Your love, I still have Your Grace and Your acceptance of what I do

I talk to You often as I swing among the trees
Your voice becomes so clear washing over me in the breeze

Unsure of what's in store,
Unclear on Your plan for me
Yet confident and unwavering in my belief it'll be quite a sight to see

So thank you God, in advance for the troubles and the trials
I'll just sit back and relax on my tree and kick it with You for awhile

Sunday, December 16, 2012

I Blow Smoke

Sunday "Tree" Logic...I Blow Smoke

I blow smoke
To help me cope
With the state of the world today.

I blow smoke
Don't shoot dope
Cause that problem won't go away.

I blow smoke
To get my mind right
For the shit I have to face.

I blow smoke
To protect the innocent
From my disdain with the human race.

I blow smoke
To lighten my mood
When I have a heavy heart.

I blow smoke
To free my filtered tongue
And drop knowledge a la carte.

I blow smoke
But not up asses
I blow it in the air.

If you blow smoke
Then catch a wiff of mine
I'm always happy to share.


Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Truth Will Fuck You Up

Thursday "Tree" Logic...The Truth Will Fuck You Up

Sooo, I get a text from a number I don't recognize. I ask who it is and in response he sends me a couple pictures...very nice pictures...very, very nice pictures! Turns out, it's a guy I met some months ago over the Internet. He's asking me what my schedule is like. He told me his schedule and I asked him to come up to the bar to join us (me and my girls) for a drink. He said he would try after his game! Fast forward to this morning. I keep getting phone calls from a strange number. I finally answer and its some chick asking if I know her man!

"Tree Logic" part 1: Ladies, never call a stranger asking them about YO man! Your problem is NOT with her, ya problem is with YO man! If you feel the need to be up at the crack of dawn, going through your mans phone, you need to get ya life together!

I gave her that little bit of "tree logic" above along with some other pearls of wisdom. Before I knew it she was crying! Now I'm hearing about the 6 week old baby she has with him and how much she loves him.

Fuck! I WANTED to stay mad at her for interrupting my peaceful sleep! But she is now a woman in distress! I tell her to calm down and pull herself together. I tell her to hang up, splash some water on her face and think about if she is ready to handle the answers to the questions she is asking.

 "Tree Logic" part 2: Make sure that when you go looking for trouble, you are emotionally prepared for what you find. We all have heard the saying that when you go searching for trouble you usually find it...but what the saying doesn't tell you is how you are going to feel at the very moment of revelation. Usually, you're fucked up! You are inflicting pain upon yourself when you go searching instead of just allowing what is done in the dark to show itself in the light!

She text me that she was ready to hear the truth! I sent her screen shots of our ENTIRE conversation, including the pictures he sent me of him holding his dick in his hand! I also sent her the link to his profile on the website we met on saying that states how single and drama free he is.

"Tree Logic" part 3: Men...I am a single woman with no one to answer to. I am able to do whatever and whoever I choose within my own limits. If your status is not the same, then you need not visit your drama onto others. If I get a call from your wife, baby momma, FWB or whatever the hell they are to you...after I make her feel like a Cosby kid for even calling me, I'm gonna blow up ya spot. You deserve whatever you get for being such a lowdown, dirty, lying, trifling snake in the grass!

She calls me to thank me for being honest and to apologize for calling me with this nonsense. She then asks me what she should do.

 "Tree Logic" finale:  Figure out what type of life you want to live, then make the decision (or divisions) that support that lifestyle!

Social Network PSA

Thursday "Tree Logic"...Social Network PSA

Communicating over social networking sites have the tendency to cause stupid misunderstandings. Stupid misunderstandings tend to cause stupid arguments.
Stupid arguments cause stupid decisions and
Stupid decisions lead to a fucked up life!

Don't have a fucked up life because you only know how to communicate on social networking sites!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Queen to Be

Tuesday After Afternoon "Tree" Logic...She's Your Queen to Be

Either I am swinging really high on the vines today or this is still the most hilarious movie to me. True fans know exactly what this

She's your queen to be
A queen to be forever
A queen who'll do whatever His Highness desires
She's your queen to be
A vision of perfection
An object of affection
To quench your royal fire
Completely free from infection
To be used at your descretion
Waiting only for your direction

Your queen to be.....

Borrowed Words of Wisdom

Tuesday Afternoon "Tree" Logic...Borrowed Words of Inspiration

The following is NOT an excerpt from "Coach Carter".
"Coach Carter" borrowed this from a book written by Christian author, Marianne Williamson
Let the words sink into your spirit.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?
Actually, who are you, not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small doesn't serve the world.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

-Marianne Williamson